"I was bitten must have been the devil"

Monday, August 15, 2011

Said simply...

Michele Bachmann makes me feel like we've wandered into an alternate universe where Sarah Palin has focus and purpose. I don't like it.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. Bryan:

    Sarah Palin is dumb. Michele Bachmann is just crazy.

  2. Bryan:
    I don't like it either. Unless my memory is playing tricks, I recall way back, that people ran for office because they felt they were qualified to help people and the nation make decisions and work for the common good. The system, and especially the Republicans now are out for themselves and their church, and if they can drive off the Muslims and Jews, they will turn on Unitarians, then Catholics, and so on.

  3. "Unless my memory is playing tricks, I recall way back, that people ran for office because they felt they were qualified to help people and the nation make decisions and work for the common good."

    The run for office of President has become a 3 ring circus and I want my money back
