"I was bitten must have been the devil"

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Something you're looking forward to

It should be "something to which you're looking forward" but we can let that slide.
Anyway, my family knows this already as well as FB friends like Nota, but we are expecting a third child this September.
My wife is due on September 24th, although she has yet to make it to a due date.
Alyssa was due on July 12th but came on the 10th and Devin was due December 7th (I think) and was born on November 27th.
We don't know the gender yet but will find out on May 9th. We have some names chosen but those we are holding back until we have the gender.
I am NOT looking forward to the special surgery I will be getting after this one is born...you know what I mean.


  1. Mike A., on my baseball team, had that surgery on a Wednesday and played all nine innings on Sunday.

    So, unless you're worried about the inability to have any more kids it shouldn't be too bad. ; )

  2. A friend of mine had it done, they do it no touch now with lasers. He was in and out in 15mins with minimal pain.

  3. the Red M,
    Come on out to Kansas, I know a vet that can do it in 90 seconds in a squeeze chute, there's a little bawling afterwards but they give you some water and molasses and in no time the grass looks greener on the other side.
    Congrats to the little lady.

  4. Forget Fringe, the California Clinic will do this free of charge. My pruning shears and hacksaw lie waiting in the garage. I'll pick up a propane torch to stop the bleeding, and a couple of Oreo's for the post surgery feast.....

    If it's a girl, call her Denise.
    If it's a boy, call him Denephew.

  5. Just make sure the laser doesn't look like the Death Star from Star Wars.
